Friday, 28 September 2012

Researching Genre of Chosen Song

The genre of MyFutureLies is pop/rock. To get an idea of the typical conventions this music genre does within their video i will have alook some other alternative pop/rock bands.

The fray is all redundancy, It depicts scenes of the band members in different roles. There are no entropy elements.

The lyrics are very matched with the visuals which links with Andrew Goodwin's theory.

The genre tends to use a lot of cinematography of close ups and establishing shots of the band which promotes the band.

One classic characteristic i see of music video is theres alot of back lighting used in the iconography which makes the band look good when playing their instruments

Another common cinematography ive noticed is theres alot of close up of the instruments being played to keep that consistent visual sound of the rhythm going, everything is to the music.

Coldplay speed of sound is another good example of the typical conventions of this genre. The video again is all redundant where the visuals connects to what we are seeing and predicting.

I've noticed mostly at the start of the videos the lighting is mostly dim and very dark and depressing which I've noticed as a generic conventions in most videos.
However when the tempo picks up so does the visuals and in the chorus the lighting actually gets more brighter and more colour to denote excitement

With this video I've also picked out the main singer is mostly the one whos involved in the narrative. This example is about feeling of love, break up etc.

I've noticed this genre tends to wear dark casual clothing, for example jeans a shirt and a leather jacket. This is the brand identity that this genre tends to have.

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