Monday, 5 November 2012


What is Creativity?
Creativity is the bringing into being of something which did not exist before, either as a product, a process or a thought. For example develop a new way of looking at something (bringing a new idea into existence) or even by reapplying an existing process or product into a new or different market.

How can you be more Creative?
To be good at being creative you need to have creative thinking, this is a process which we use when we come up with a new idea. It is the merging of ideas which have not been merged before. Brainstorming is one form of creative thinking: it works by merging someone else's ideas with your own to create a new one. You are using the ideas of others as a stimulus for your own. Or even simple things of taking regular breaks when doing your work or take a nap as it is said it will refresh your brain which will open up new ideas.

Where does it come from?
Creativity is created through the brain coming up with new and imaginative ideas. To create a strong idea the brain needs relaxation where it has time to expand the idea it has created. Jonah Lehrer created a book called 'How creativity works'. Lehrer, a neuroscientist turned writer, finds that these moments emanate from a certain part of the brain. Creativity, he finds, corresponds to a steady rhythm of alpha waves emanating from the brain's right hemisphere. And that is stimulated by relaxation. For example in his book his explained that out of thin air Steve Jobs in 2007 brought about the new revolution of technology which was the iPhone, this was know as a smart phone which could do almost anything. New inventions being developed in society start mostly by the subject of science.

What role does it play in creating a media production?
The media industry employs thousands of people in various media fields such as TV, film, or music, each media field uses creativity of a process of creating a new thing people will watch or hear. Creativity is extremely important as creativity is what captures your audiences attention and engages them with the product. For example in the film industry you need to think of different ways of filming, this will involve different cinematography techniques of angles which would help to engage your audience into what their watching, this requires new thinking.

Creativity is a big issue in education and teaching at the moment. Sir Ken Robinson shows that creativity depends on coming up with an idea and being prepared for if it goes wrong, we have no idea what will happen or it may turn out, this way you will come up with something unique. He states that "All children start their school careers with sparkling imaginations, fertile minds, and a willingness to take risks with what they think,". But growing up in the education system he says "It is stifling the individual talents and abilities of too many students and killing their motivation to learn."".

Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity involves two processes: thinking, then producing. Innovation is the production or implementation of an idea. If you have ideas, but don’t act on them, you are imaginative but not creative.

I agree with this theory, creativity requires passion and commitement to let it become reality. If you don't go for that idea to make it reality then it is simply just your imagination. What makes you be creativity is having innovation which you are open to share ideas and shaping the direction of the future.

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