Friday, 18 January 2013

Evaluation Question 4

This project relied a lot on technology. When using media technologies in this project I considered carefully how I could present my different blog post to make visually interesting instead of having large blocks of texts consistently. Instead I found creative solutions to try and present my information in different ways. For example I used Sliderocket to create my audience profile and Prezi to display my evaluation.

The theory of technological determinism affected our project. For example using blogger in order to distribute our rough cut and final music video we had to go through Youtube in order to upload it on there as you couldn't upload straight on their website. However now thinking about it this was probably a good choice to use as it was more globalized and more accessible which increased the interactivity of our audience feedback. Technological determinism also was to my advantage as I had to two professional software. One being Sony Vegas which allowed us to create a professional looking video. And the other being Photoshop which let produced professional designs for my digipak and promotional poster.

Web 2.0 technology was very important in this project. Through Web 2.0 we could directly involve our target audience in the interactivity by inviting them asking for their opinions on rough cuts and my digipak and promotional poster design. YouTube and Facebook were the two main Web 2.0 websites Which I often used throughout the planning, creation and feedback of our video. Using Facebook in creating my print products mean't I could instantly receive feedback from my target audience rather than trying to organise a date to meet up and discuss it which saved a lot of time. We were also able to communicate as a group through Facebook so we could share ideas quickly to each other which helped immensely as we all have different timetables so it was hard to arrange a time we could all get together. Web.20 helped us to share photos and existing videos towards our research and planning which was very helpful towards this project.

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